With a Registry membership, early educators can search for professional development opportunities throughout California. There are several fields you can use to search for the training you need. You can search by location, training topic, trainer, and other criteria. Also, searching by county generates localized results and can help you find a training close to you.
Completed professional development will be added to your verified Education and Training Report (see video).
To search for a training event, click below.
Gateways Pathway Program
The Gateways Pathway Program is a comprehensive and aligned professional development trainer and training system for the state’s early childhood education (ECE) workforce. It was first launched in Los Angeles County in 2010 and was integrated with the California Early Care and Education Workforce Registry since 2016. This program is now being expanded, and renamed Pathway, as an option for other counties to implement towards a statewide system and accessible professional development pathway.
Participating Counties:
- Los Angeles
- San Bernardino (coming soon)
- Santa Clara (coming soon)
- Alameda (coming soon)