Training Sponsor Organizations
What is a Sponsor Organization?
A Training Sponsor Organization are those agencies approved by the Registry to post and offer trainings using the Registry Training Module and Calendar. Currently this includes those organizations funded by the California Department of Education-Early Learning and Care Division or other training organizations approved by the state to offer training in alignment with state and local initiatives. Participating organizations use the Registry to track attendance at professional development training workshops.
Using the Registry’s Training Module and Calendar Features
The Registry’s Training Module and Calendar are designed to allow sponsor organizations and their training instructors the ability to post and manage training events, including training enrollment, training payment, and training attendance, as well as post completed trainings directly to participant’s profiles, and generate reports all in one place. To access the Training Module and Calendar, or any other Registry feature, one must have an active individual Registry profile. This includes the sponsor contact person, additional sponsor managers, instructors, and participants searching for available trainings.
The ECE Workforce Registry Office is responsible for approving all sponsor organizations.
![A diverse group of people smile after participation in a development training workshop.](
This component of the Registry is only currently available to training vendors funded by First 5 California and California Department of Education (CDE) Early Education Support Division (EESD). This includes Resource and Referral (R&R) agencies, California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN), and WestEd Program for Infant Toddler Care (PITC), among others. Locally funded training organizations may also gain access to the Training Module/Calendar, with the approval of the funding agency. Please contact the Registry Office with questions.
For more detailed information, click here for the Training Calendar User Guide for Training Sponsor/Organization and Instructors
See all the tutorial videos on the Training Sponsor Playlist.