Training Approval – Policy Statement
First 5 California (F5CA), the California Department of Education (CDE), Early Education and Support Division (EESD), and the California Early Care and Education Workforce Registry (Registry) are partnering to expand use of the Registry. Since July 1, 2017, all training organizations funded by the CDE, EESD are required to use the Registry to publish/post and confirm training participation. The following interim policy has been developed to add and approve non-CDE-funded training organizations and expand training access, pending development and adoption of a training and trainer approval process.
Eligible Organizations
Organizations offering early childhood education/child development-focused trainings may apply to the Registry Training Module/Calendar. Applications will be accepted from verified organizations providing training with state, county, or local government funds. This includes county offices of education, school districts, and organizations funded through city and/or county funds. Applications will also be accepted from statewide professional associations at this time.
Requirements of Participation
- Training organization and trainers agree to assist training participants to create or update their Registry profile.
- Training organization and their trainers agree to confirm attendance of trainings in the Registry.
- Trainings are conducted in person. Online trainings and asynchrnous offerings are also acceptable.
- Individual participant data will be kept confidential and may not be used for solicitation.
Application Process
Applications to the California Early Care and Education Workforce Registry Training Module/Calendar will be reviewed monthly by F5CA and CDE representatives and CA ECE Workforce Registry Administrators. Application acceptance is not guaranteed.
Acceptance in the Registry as a training organization does not equate with endorsement of training quality.
Access the web-based application for the Training Module/Calendar:
Training Module and Calendar Elements Overview & Application Packet
The Child Care Alliance staff will notify the applicant of approved or denied status. Upon approval, the applicant will receive additional information on next steps to utilization of the CA ECE Workforce Registry – Training Module/Calendar and will schedule training(s) for identified staff. Ongoing support will be available to approved training organizations.